
Texto de vixsa - English

  • Help me,good people)

  • "Write about the national symbols of the UK".
  • The main symbol of the UK is a flag.
  • The flag of England is represented by a red cross on a white background.
  • This is known as St George’s Cross and has its origins in the Crusades, when soldiers were identified by this red-colored cross on their white tunics.
    • St George was claimed to be the Patron Saint of England at the time, so the cross became associated with him.
    • National Animal – the lion, because the lion is symbolic of bravery, it was frequently used to depict the courageous warriors of medieval England.
    • Today, it remains the national animal of the country and is used extensively in sports’ team names, logos, icons, and so on.
  • National Flower – the rose.
    • England is usually represented by a red rose, but other colours can and have also been used.
  • The rose symbolizes strength and independence of England.
    • "How do students in the USA and UK spend their free time?" Students role are known as the next generations who will lead the country later.
    • Everything related to them are important for us to put a highlight on.
  • There are many different things which they can do in your free time.
    • To keep their body healthy they can do some exercise and sports activities like badminton, soccer, hockey or swimming.
    • Students also can take a vacation or picnic with family or friends during holiday.
    • They can go to recreational park, beach or island.
    • It feels more relax to see the beautiful scenery of nature if you go to an island or beach.
    • Those who have a digital camera can take photograph of scenery, people, birds and many more.
    • During our free time they can surf the internet.
  • The internet is full of fun and interesting things.
    • Visit their favorite’s website and learn new things.
  • But unfortunately one of the issues that could be a problem is university students do not use their free time wisely.
    • Sometimes they simply lie on the sofa and watch TV.
  • "One is rich when he\she has friends" .
  • Everybody knows how it is important to have friends.
    • Who can help us in difficult situations, give us a piece of advice, and take care of us?
    • I strongly believe that friendship is richness, which is very difficult to get.
  • Firstly, a good friend should be responsive, attentive and be ready to help at any time.
  • It’s not like money at all, you can destroy and lose everything at the moment.
    • A good friendship is a result of many years work.
  • You should understand its importance.
  • Moreover, it is very hard to find a best friend, because all the people are different.
  • But if you find him, appreciate your friend.
    • One famous person said:" Friends is one soul in two bodies".
  • Friends always think alike and do everything together.
  • To sum up, friends are never forgotten.
  • If you have even one but best friend, you can safely say that you are rich person.
  • Everyone should appreciate and love his friends.
  • That's why one is rich when he has friends.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English