
Text from Nadal2017 - English

    • Why to visit Kalamori?

  • Kalamori (an invented city) is the town where I live.
  • It is a small place in the south of Spain.
    • With an enviable climate, Kalamori is the most wonderful place to spend your holidays if you live in other city or country, or the rest of your life if you are retired.
    • In the past, Kalamori was an important iber town where people traded with fish, clothes, jewellery and fruit.
    • As a consequence, there are ancient ruins which everybody can visit.
    • From the top of the cliff you can visit the light house, that guide ships to the harbor, and admire the unbeliable views of the bay.
    • This is the perfect place to practise parapenting and enjoy like a bird, flying over the coast and the sea.
  • In Kalamori you will never be bored.
    • There are a large range of restaurants, pubs, discoteques to socialice and have fun.
    • But the most important to visit my city is its inhabitants.
    • You will not find such nice, friendly and kind people in the world as in Kalamori.
    • They will make you feel as if you were at your own home.
    • You will be one more in our family.