
Text from 55elena_jv - English

    • Has the fashion industry a bad effect on people's lives?

    • I think the fashion industry has two sides of the same coin.
    • Firstly, fashion is well, it allows people look nice, always it's better to deal with person who care about his appearance.
  • Also our first impression about someone we make from how he looks like.
  • But how nice he would be, if he silly and rude nothing can help him.
  • So secondly, fashion is badly, because people start thinking only about appearance, spend all their money for buying new clothes and forget about other parts of life.
  • Fashionable designer clothes costs a lot of money and most of people can't buy it.
  • And I think it doesn't necessary, it would be enough if people buy clothes according their opportunitys and didn't go mad.
  • So I want to tell, that we shouldn't forget that fashion is essential, but not the most important aspect of our life.
  • If we care about fashion within resonable limits, it won't be bad effect on our lives.