טקסט של - English

    • If I could travel back in time

    • If I could travel back in time I would like to go to my childhood to be younger again and enjoy a lot of thing .Also because I was a bad student, I had terrible grades becuase of this I fail two years but the worse was I couldn't learn a lot from my teachers including English.
    • Also, I would like to travel back in the time to save my brother from an accident, he was in the river and got a bad step and slipped so he broke his leg

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English

  • כותרת
  • משפט 1
    • If I could travel back in time I would like to go to my childhood to be younger again and enjoy a lot of thing .Also because I was a bad student, I had terrible grades becuase of this I fail two years but the worse was I couldn't learn a lot from my teachers including English.
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    • If I could travel back in time I would like to go to my childhood, to be younger again, and enjoy a lots of thing .Also becauses. I was a bad student, I had terrible grades, and becuause of this I failed two years but the worseof school. The worst thing was I couldidn't learn a lot from my teachers, including English.
    • הוסף תיקון חדש! - משפט 1הוסף תיקון חדש! - משפט 1
  • משפט 2