
Tekst fra vixsa - English

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  • "Write about national symbol of the USA".
  • The main symbol of the USA is a flag.
    • The National Flag of the United States, also known as The Star-Spangled Banner.
  • The official national colors of the United States are seen on the American flag - red, blue and white.
    • It is a rectangular panel with seven red and six white horizontal stripes alternating.
    • In the canton of dark blue - 50 five-pointed stars in white.
    • 13 bands - 13 colonies, which formed an independent state.
  • The blue rectangle on the left side symbolizes the Union.
  • The number of stars in the blue field represents the number of states.
    • The red color symbolizes the endurance and valor.
  • Dark-blue - hard work, justice and vigilance.
  • White - Innocence and purity.
  • Flag of the United States has changed over time, depending on the number of states that made up the Union.
  • There are a lot of symbols of the USA, because it is powerful state.
  • It is well known throughout the world.
  • "What you would do to improve the world? think of actions you could take to help make the world a better place".
  • It is well known that our world is not perfect.
  • Someone is trying to change himself and change the world.
  • Someone doesn't want to do anything.
  • I think that to improve the world I should change myself.
  • When I understand that less defects left in me, I will help others to find themselves.
  • I suppose, it is very important to be in harmony with your mind and soul.
  • Not long ago I learned the name of Rachel Bekvis.
  • She is very famous in the USA.
  • One day when her birthday approached, she asked paretns nothing to give and to send money to people from Africa.
  • There was a problem in Africa eith clean water and because of this people were daying.
  • Rachel decided to help them.
  • When people learned of the deed of Rachel thwy from all over the US send money to the account of Rachel to help the African people.
  • It is the great act that changed the lives of others.
  • I want to try to do something meaningful, too.
  • For me it is very important to help the world change.
  • After all, today there are so many wars and terrorism.
  • I consider that everyone should do more good things.
  • Then the world would be a better place.