
Text from mafaldaonce - English

    • trip

    • Hi Vero, How are you doing?
    • Do you remember I went on holiday with my boyfriend Chema , last month?
  • I’m writing to tell you about our trip.
    • It was a nightmare!
    • I had planned a romantic trip in a nice village in the coast, so I looked forwad to spend a unforgettable days with Chema, but the things went wrong since we started the trip.
  • We drove from Zaragoza to Cadaques.
    • Chema didn’t want to use his satnav but he didn’t know the right way , so he took the wrong exit and after a while we realized we got lost.
    • We arrived in Cadaques very late and we were really tired, then, things got worse.
    • I had booked a lovely room with views of the seaside but our room was tiny, with views of a wall.
  • The weather was awful, so we couldn’t leave our hotel.
    • I think it was the worst holidays I have ever had.
  • I’m planning another trip next summer.
    • I’m sure it’ll be better. Must go now!
    • I hope to see you soon. Best wishes. Marta