
Text from zkoko - English

    • Cases of use of "On"

    • On this post, I'll try to give as many as possible of examples in which I use "on".
  • I think that my maternal language is one cause of not feeling very comfortable with prepositions.
  • -On my computer, you'll find a lot of programs for different purposes.
  • -I downloaded many TED talk conferences on my phone to see them in my free time.
    • -Be careful when some when ask you check his USB stick, because on the majority of them you would find malicious code.
    • -In one of my esplanades, A bee stung me on the neck.
    • -In the spring, I generally don't feel well on my noise.
    • -I like organize every thing on my desk before starting the work.
    • -When he learned the news, he found him self on an incomparable happiness (I know that I can say he become happy, but I want to use ON ).
  • -I didn't find his name on my list.