
Сообщение от vixsa - English

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    • "Many British museums and galleries are real treasure-houses of unique works of art.
    • Which are the best known?
    • What collection they contain?" There are a lot of museums and art galleries in Britain.
    • These include the major national collections and a wide variety of municipally and independently owned institutions.
  • The British Museum has become the principal museum in the United Kingdom, with a rich collection of archaeological and ethnographical material from all over the world, and a wide variety of art treasures.
  • It is also the national library for books and periodicals.
  • The National Gallery houses an unsurpassed collection of the chief European schools of painting from the 13th century to 1900.
    • The Tate Gallery's collection includes two collections of paintings: the British School (from the 18th century onwards) and modern foreign schools since 1850, as well as modern sculpture There is many interesting museums and galleries in Britain, which every tourist must to visit them.
    • "Give to the world the best you have, and the best of the results will come back to you".
  • It is a good phrase which is well known by every man.
    • I strongly believe, that everything that we are doing now, can respond good or bad in future, it’s depend from your work.
    • Firstly, if you give the world the best of our efforts, then surely it will come back to you with the best results, like karma.
  • If we help those around us, then they will help us in the future.
    • Giving and helping others will eventually pay off, for then they will in good time pay you back for your kindness.
    • Also, helping your environment's ecology is also important in this, for you will be providing the future generations with a better and cleaner world, which in turn will make others respect and regard you as a great person.
  • There are multitudes of ways to give "the best" to the world around you; the list could go on and on.
  • What is important though is that no matter what you do, as long as you are helping out and giving your best, then surely it will pay off and you will be rewarded with good results.
  • All in all, karma is our friend, whose attitude depends from our actions.
  • It means that we should do only good things and then we will receive them back.

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