
zkoko (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Children vs money ?

  • Hello, I can't understand why some people want to have children when they get married.
    • When I see how babies cry all the night and how teenagers behave and think, I really don't wish becoming a father.
    • Instead, I pray god to give me a lot of money to become able to travel around the world.
    • If god gives me choice between the two, I would choose money.
    • At least, money will never betray me, behave against my wishes or act against me.
    • Sons and daughters consume a lot of energy and money to become autonomous, and you are not sure at a lot of the results.
  • They are a very risky investment.
    • Maybe, If I get enough money, I would spend money on orphan centers.
    • I know that what I say that this way is against the nature.
    • To be honest I feel an amazing feeling in heart, but I'll apply it. Thank you.

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