

Text from vixsa - English

  • Ребята! нереально нужна помощь! проверьте пожалуйста сочинения!

    • буду сюда выкладывать по несколько, тк экзамен 11 июня( "What are the benefits of globalization for the average person?" The term “globalization” has always existed, from ancient times to the present days.
    • Globalization is a process of unifying the whole world by having the same technologies, business, styles and goods everywhere.
  • The advantages of globalization are huge.
  • Its task is to make our life better and easier.
  • Globalization has led to improvement in technologies.
    • Its improvement has built the new world without boundaries.
    • For example, the communication can be made with any other parts of the world though technologies such as internet and telephone.
    • Another plus of globalization is financial and production capitals are becoming international.
    • For instance, drink coca-cola.
    • Homeland of this drink is USA, but thanks to globalization, this drink is drunk everywhere in the world.
    • To sum up, with globalization we have no boundaries.
  • "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.
  • Fashion is in the sky, in the steer, fashion has to do with ideas , the way we live, what is happening." Coco Chanel Ideas and innovations appear every second.
    • Fashion is one of the ideas which appeared long ago.
    • But ultimately, fashion is an individual statement of expression for each of us.
    • I strongly believe, that everything that surrounds us it is fashion.
    • At first, fashion isn't defined solely by our clothing choices, but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves, our personalities and our views of the world.
    • Some creative and promising tailors wanted to show their works to the world in order to male people buy them.
    • Also, fashion completely differs from the old one.
    • It is the way we eat, the way we travel, the way we have a rest, the way we speak and educate our children and so on.
    • Generally it is the atmosphere we live in.
  • All of these are somebody’s ideas that have been realized and supported by the society.
    • For example, Green peace” members proclaimed a good idea of protesting wildlife.
  • So, they don’t use animal fur and skin for making their clothes.
    • To sump up, fashion is a good way for promoting good ideas.
    • Thanks to fashion we can make youngsters stop smoking, drinking alcohol, be well educated, be kind to nature and save the world we live in.