
Tekstong galing sa Sarah233 - English

    • The heroes

    • We studied a video "The Underground Railroad and Hariet Tubman" with a text that tells how from 1840 to 1860, 30,000 Americans crossed the border to Canada.
    • Against this abuse by In the United States, many personalities have marked this period.
    • Among these heroes, one distinguishes in this document Hariett Tubman.
  • She had the courage to do something that put her in danger to help slaves.
    • She helped them to to escape from their plantations leaving 19 times in the South of the United States by a secret network the "Underground Railroad" .300 slaves were released thanks to her.
    • That is why she was compared to Moses in the video. his courage is similar.
    • Then, in the "Draftee", an autobiography made by Tim O'Brien, the author was forced to fight in Vietnam .However, he wanted to flee to Canada .We can say that he is a hero because he was brave Indeed, he stood up for his beliefs by refusing to obey the US government.
  • In doing so he risked prison.
    • Nevertheless, he can also be considered an anti-hero for his cowardice .
    • He ran away by missing to his duty as soldiers and so he betrayed America.
  • Then I'll talk about the outlaw heroes.
    • James Jesse is an assasin , a thief, an outlaw.
    • But it's a man who has a good heart he is generous.
    • "He stole from the rich to give to the poor" like Robin Hood .He can be regarded as a hero in the sense that he was a criminal but he did this to help those in need.
    • Personally, I think he could have helped others differently and he did not need to be an outlaw to help the poor.
    • But I still condider him as a hero because he took risks for other people.

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