Ana_wiseからのテキスト - English

  • For-and-against essay

    • Statement: Some people think it's important to do sports regularly while others would rather watch a sporting event on TV. Essay.
    • Undoubtedly, it is extremely important to do sports regularly to keep your body health and fit.
    • However, some people prefer to watch a sporting event on TV instead.
    • Therefore, the question arises: is it harmful for people's health to ignore regular physical exercises?
    • To my mind, there are plenty of advantages to do sports constantly.
    • First and foremost, it reduces the frequency of illnesses, and increases the resistance, strength, and endurance of human's organism.
    • Secondly, doing sports at the gym, you can meet people who have the same interests.
    • And finally, sport and fitness help to improve the metabolism, and, subsequently, you will look much better.
  • Nevertheless, some people might argue with these statements.
    • By their point of view, physical strain causes a stroke or heart disease.
    • Moreover, sport take too much time, spending with family, relatives and friends.
    • Inspire of my respect to above-mentioned arguments, I cannot agree with them.
    • One should take into account the fact that sportsmen can adjust their exercises schedule, whereupon they will have enough time to spend at their discretion.
  • Also, it is important to realize that load distribution decrease the probability of heart attacks.
    • All in all, despite the skepticism by some ones, I am totally convinced that our society needs to develop sport industry and extent of sportmanship of people worldwide.

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