
Tekst fra Lou85 - English

  • Write about an experiment in psychology

  • 1) What is our research about?
  • To begin with, our research is about the link between online social networking and schooling.
  • Indeed, we choose to focus on Facebook because it is one of the most famous social network sites.
  • We have, then, decided to relate it to academic anxiety and school performances.
    • Therefore our study consists to highlight the link between Facebook and academic performances and its relation with school anxiety, also considering the link between school anxiety and academic performances.
  • This aspect was not really developed in the literature.
    • Consequently, it seemed to be interesting to investigate this particular aspect in our project.
  • 2) Why did we choose to work on this project?
  • We wanted to work on this project because Facebook is an important part of the teenagers’ everyday life.
    • Moreover, one individual spend 55 minutes of his time per days on Facebook to interact with his friends (Steers, Quist, Bryan, Foster, Young & Neighbors, 2016).
    • According to many criticisms that people develop about the relationship between Facebook and lower academic performances, we want to verify if it is relevant.
  • This is an actual subject, because mobile phones will be forbidden from the next school year for primary and college students.
  • One of the relevant bibliographical references that we have read is an article written by Paul, Baker & Cochran (2012).
  • This article shows a negative significant correlation between the time spent on online social networks and academic performances.
  • These results have been the beginning of our further researches, because it introduces the existence of this link.
  • It has confirmed the purpose of our project.
    • In addition, an article has been very interesting for our research.
  • It is a meta-analysis written by Seipp (1991), it shows the link between school anxiety and academic performances.
  • This link varies a lot in different studies.
    • This meta-analysis explains also the results’ divergence, because anxiety is a multi-faceted concept.
  • Moreover, Vitasari and his colleagues (2010) have demonstrated a significant correlation between a high level of study anxiety and low academic performances.
  • These different studies gave us the occasion to observe the link between Facebook, school performances and study anxiety.
  • 3) What have we done so far?
    • We began with the idea that the mobile phone has an impact on academic results so we concentrate our research to the new technologies and the education.
  • Then, thanks to our literature review, we have restrained our investigation on social networking and Facebook, to be more precise.
  • We have also notices that anxiety is often mentioned as a new variable.
  • Social anxiety was widely correlated to Facebook, but as we focus on school we choose to select school anxiety.
  • We have done a huge literature review about our subject thanks to PsycInfo, SciencesDirect and Cairn for instance.
    • Thanks to literature, we have defined the population concerned by our project: college students.
    • Indeed, we choose this age because online social networks’ use begins at college (around 13 years old).
  • Then, we made a socio-demographical survey and another about facebook’s use.
    • Finally, we have search on internet and books to find a survey about school anxiety which is v alid in french.
  • We stopped our researches on the “Echelle comportementale d’anxiété et phobie (ECAP)” (Véra, 1996).
  • 4) What we have to do next?
    • To complete our research, we still need to go in a college to conduct our experiment for 8th and 9th grade students.
  • This experiment will be based on surveys that will allow us to collect findings.
    • This part happens after establishing contact with different schools to obtain the authorization to gather information.
    • With these data, we will make statistical analyzes in order to answer to our different hypotheses.
  • Then we will conclude and criticize our results in the light of our literature review.
  • We also need to create a poster to present the main aspects of our study to explain it to others pupils and teachers.
    • Finally we have to improve our report: for instance, by creating an abstract to resume the study, creating a summary, following actuality in literature to add eventual last findings.