
Text från gianni_bon - English

    • international marriages

    • An international marriage is a marriage between two people from different country, generally one of that persons moved to another country for studying or for job's motivations.
    • There are a lot of pron and cons between the international marriage.
    • Some pros concern the possibility to know a different culture in all of its forms with a total immersive experience, but, I think it is love the motivation for a marriage for an international couple or not.
    • Cons are the others face of the coin, cultural difference may be a problem.
  • Language differences can be a problem sometimes.
    • My cousin married a swiss girl who can't talk italian, how can she feel at home here in Italy is she doesen't understand nothing around her?
  • There are a lot of international marriages in this historical period because of the facility of travelling.
    • Probably the right way for a functional international marriage is to try to combine the differences between the cultures and find a lot of compromises.