
Text von nasco06 - English

  • Application as a German Teacher

  • Warsaw, 8 February 2018 Application as a German Teacher Dear team, By visiting your website, I was delighted to discover your announcement.
    • I am persuaded that my active participation in your program 'Modern languages' will be a great success and a big joy because sharing languages is my passion.
  • Since my adolescence, I have been fond of languages and computer science.
    • After my apprenticeship as a Computer Scientist in Mulhouse in France, I decided to experience a polyglot life, so I studied in a German-French university of applied science in Basel/Bâle during 3 years.
    • After I succeed my Bachelor's degree, I worked as a Software Developer/Engineer during 6 years in Germany.
    • I achieved a CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studied) during 6 months.
    • It was a part-time certificate of Master level totally in German.
    • Since August 2017, I have been studying English in an intensive way.
    • I succeed the AEFZ, an intensive training course to become a teacher.
    • Seven times, I had the opportunity to experience all required teaching skills from preparation (objective definition, lesson plan) to lessons in class (warm-up, presentation, practice, production and summary).
  • Each of our teaching performances was evaluated and discussed with an expert.
  • My friendship with Polish people began on Christmas 2011.
    • I enjoyed studying their language until I could discuss with them by writing on Facebook.
  • I would be glad to prepare a lesson demonstration for your students in the context of your Lycée at your earliest convenience. Sincerely,

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