
Text von kesenin - English

    • The trilling book

  • Hi!
    • Today I want to tell you about my last read book.
  • It is "The Crimson Rivers" by Jean-Christophe Grange.
    • Firstly, I have to say that I'm fond of datective books and Grange himself.
    • I've read 3 books of his including "The Crimson Rivers" and I bravely can advise this author to all the detective lovers!
    • So, now I'll tell about the book.
    • I usually read books for 2-3 months, but "The Crimson Rivers" is the exception!
  • I was so thrilled by this work that I read it in a week.
    • The author writes dinamically, you just can't stop reading it.
    • The main character is a very intellegant and very sharp.
    • During the story he finds a love, though he never thought that he will love ever.
  • Unfortunately, the love takes his life and the life of his lover, but it was right I suppose.
    • Now I'm eager to see the film on this book with Jean Reno and Vincent Cassel. Bye!

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