
Pesan dari Zhukigna - English

    • Salty water

    • *** Sorry if I disturb someone with the text.
    • It's a translation from the medical website made for non-commercial purposes.
    • I want to evaluate my abitity to translate into English.
    • --- Salty water is the best way to eliminate the earwax.
    • The procedure can be done domiciliarily.
    • Salty water softens the thing inside the ear and lets it be cleaned easily.
    • 1 teaspoon of salt should be added to half of the cup of warmed water and stirred till the complete dissolution of salt.
  • Put a cotton ball in the salty solution.
    • Then bend the damaged ear upward, squeeze some drops of salty water out of the cotton ball in the ear and keep it in this position for 3-5 minutes.
    • After that bend the head in the opposite direction in order to let the salty water flow off and clear the outer ear with a clean cloth to eliminate the softened earwax.