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  • "Marrying someone from a different country..."- essay

    • Nowadays we can encounter the international marriages more and more often.
    • This is an effect of ease of crossing borders, particularly European Union’s members.
    • Many people think that such unions will always have problems due to the barriers.
  • I share their opinion, I believe native inhabitants are better candidates to the partnership.
    • Firstly, the visitors can have a problem with a foreign language, the customs, food, dress and other aspects of unknown culture.
    • It might be hard to deal with, especially when your cultures and rules vary a lot.
    • For example, if you someone is living outside his country permanently he will not be able to see his family very often.
    • Moreover, his children will see their grandparents very little.
  • And parents could not expect help from them, for example with care of grandchildren.
    • Furthermore parents can have different views about bringing up their children, because they were used to various rules and behaviours in their native lands.
  • Children will not have a clear pattern of conduct.
    • Provided that two people are in love, this beautiful feeling should be cared for, because it is the most important value.
  • If they enjoy their company and want to spend the rest of their life together, no one should interfere with their happiness.
    • To sum up, people from different countries who get married have to struggle with many things but I do not think this is something insurmountable.
    • Everyone deserves to be happy and it should seek.

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