
Texto de sindhi - English

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  • Chaves’s definition of environmental racism ushered a discussion over his phrase “deliberate targeting” suggests to some that these charges call for evidence for intentional discrimination in imposing environmental burdens to racial minorities, others emphasized that the presence of poisin in minority communities itself proof the racism and argues that establishing discriminatory intent should be irrelevant.
  • According to latter interpretation, any decision-making process and distributive patterns that disproportionately burden on people of color provide sufficient evidence of environmental racism.


  • Título
  • Oración 1
    • Chaves’s definition of environmental racism ushered a discussion over his phrase “deliberate targeting” suggests to some that these charges call for evidence for intentional discrimination in imposing environmental burdens to racial minorities, others emphasized that the presence of poisin in minority communities itself proof the racism and argues that establishing discriminatory intent should be irrelevant.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 1¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 1
  • Oración 2
    • According to latter interpretation, any decision-making process and distributive patterns that disproportionately burden on people of color provide sufficient evidence of environmental racism.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2