
Testo da alina_cand - English

    • My job as a biologist V4

    • Today I will write about the break time at job in biology, sometimes unexpected things when you are working in pristine places.
    • I was working in Santa Clara Island next to Robinson Crusoe Island, in Chile.
    • I and the rest of my colleges/friend were there removing invasive plants, theses ones that grow without control and replace other plants.
    • We had to walk without ways because this island didn’t have people since few years because the restauration program which is running there.
    • The animals in the island aren’t affair of the people because they don’t see often people, so unlike they are more curious about us.
    • One day during the lunch break our boss told us to go down the island with him, he had something to show us.
    • We walk in the direction of the natural nursery of The Juan Fernandez fur seal, a nice animal that was almost extinct by the hand of the humans.
    • He told us to come close to the puppies of the seal that were on a little swimming pool made of rocks.
    • We went slowly because don’t want to stress the animals.
    • Fist the puppies started to look at us, curious, but they didn’t came.
    • But after we sat in the rock the baby seals start to come, when the waves from the sea comes to us, they softly to be seized with the water to us.
    • In the moment that the level of water was higher you could felt that the puppies where checking your body, touching with the nose your legs, hands, back.
    • After the water went down you notice an animal over your legs.
    • I was so excited, a wild animal want to be close to me and was so cute, one of the best moment in my life.
    • Everyone was crazy and enjoying the unique moment.
    • The keeper of the puppies, that was an adult of the fur seals, time to time has a look from the open sea.
    • She was a young seal that was fishing with the other ones of the herd.
    • The boss told us that we could swim with the adults too.
    • We were moved ready for jump.
    • We jump together; in the water were around hundred seals.
    • We started to swim and the seals came to us, some kissed us (yes, kissed us ahahaha) others touched our feet, they were curios, it is not so often to find people in the island.
    • We were in the paradise, and I never had felt that way again.
    • I love biology.