
Texto de flora_simo - English

    • Turkey geopolitics

    • In 1996, Samuel Hutington, in the « Clash of Civilizations », called Turkey a « torn -country », divided between West and East to which Ahmet Davutoglu, the ex Turkish prime minister, replied 15 years later « Turkey is the country which assembles lots of different cultures like an adhesive would do ».
  • This quote from Davutoglu tells a lot about the intentions that guide foreign affairs in Turkey to reconquest influence within the former ottoman regions, where you can find really different cultures.
    • Since its victory at the legislative elections in 2002, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) deconstructs step by step what Mustafa Kemal and his successors had established in Turkey from secularism to its pro-Western position.
    • As Ataturk was called «  the Father of the Turks », Erdogan seems to be setting himself up as the voice of a broader community of Arab-oppressed minorities and he tries now to take the leadership in the Middle East.
    • But in the political region shaken by lots of crises and alliances always on the move, has the AKP’s new foreign policy turned Turkey into « the New Indispensable Nation » as Erdogan aspires to?
    • First, we will see that Turkey has indeed regained lots of power and influence on its neighbourhood and in the next part that it has crushed into the current ME crises.

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  • Título
  • Sentença 1
    • In 1996, Samuel Hutington, in the « Clash of Civilizations », called Turkey a « torn -country », divided between West and East to which Ahmet Davutoglu, the ex Turkish prime minister, replied 15 years later « Turkey is the country which assembles lots of different cultures like an adhesive would do ».
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    • In 1996, Samuel Hutington, in the « Clash of Civilizations », called Turkey a « torn -country », divided between West and East to which Ahmet Davutoglu, the exformer Turkish prime minister, replied 15 years later: « Turkey is the country which assembles lots of different cultures like an adhesive would do ».
    • In 1996, Samuel Hutington, in the « Clash of Civilizations », called Turkey a « torn -country », divided between West and East to which Ahmet Davutoglu, the ex Turkish prime minister, replied 15 years later as« Turkey is the country which assemblessticks a lots of different cultures like an adhesive would do ».
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  • Sentença 2
    • This quote from Davutoglu tells a lot about the intentions that guide foreign affairs in Turkey to reconquest influence within the former ottoman regions, where you can find really different cultures.
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    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 2Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 2
  • Sentença 3
    • Since its victory at the legislative elections in 2002, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) deconstructs step by step what Mustafa Kemal and his successors had established in Turkey from secularism to its pro-Western position.
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    • Since its victory at the legislative elections in 2002, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) deconstructs step by step what Mustafa Keamal and his successors had established in Turkey from secularism to its pro-Western position.
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  • Sentença 4
    • As Ataturk was called «  the Father of the Turks », Erdogan seems to be setting himself up as the voice of a broader community of Arab-oppressed minorities and he tries now to take the leadership in the Middle East.
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    • As Ataturk was called «  the Father of the Turks », Erdogan seems to be setting himself up as the voice of a broader community of Arab-oppressed minorities and now he tries now to take the leadership in the Middle East.
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  • Sentença 5
    • But in the political region shaken by lots of crises and alliances always on the move, has the AKP’s new foreign policy turned Turkey into « the New Indispensable Nation » as Erdogan aspires to?
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    • But in the political region shaken by lots of crises and alliances always on the move, has the AKP’s new foreign policy turned Turkey into « the New Indispensable Nation » as Erdogan aspires tofor?
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  • Sentença 6
    • First, we will see that Turkey has indeed regained lots of power and influence on its neighbourhood and in the next part that it has crushed into the current ME crises.
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    • First, we will see that Turkey has indeed regained lots of power and influence on its neighbourhood and in the next part that it has cruashed into the current MEiddle East crises. ¶
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