
Text from Ana_wise - English

    • Tourism do more harm than good to local communities.

  • The problem of the influence of tourism on local communities and the environment has always aroused heated debates.
  • Some people think that tourists do more harm than good to local communities.
    • However, others believe that tourists do many favorable impacts on the environment.
    • I cannot but agree that tourists treat the natural conditions of the places in which they are located.
    • Firstly, they create inconveniences for local residents.
    • Secondly, their bad attitude toward the cultural monuments is harmful for the culture of this nation generally.
    • And finally, tourists often ignore the law and violates the generally accepted rules and prohibitions.
  • Some opponents might argue that there are many benefits of tourism.
    • They suggest that tourists improve the economic situation of the regions they have rest.
    • Moreover, in most countries tourism is the main industry and many residents may lose their jobs.
    • Nevertheless, I do not support the above mentioned ideas.
    • One should take into account the fact that the poor people will continue suffer from poverty since the tourism industry brings money only to wealthy people.
    • All in all, despite the arguments of various skeptics I am convinced that our environment needs to impose certain restrictions on the international tourism.