
Symmons'den mesaj - English

  • Slow morning, fast afternoon

    • We went to the Malverns, Halesowen, Oldury and Tividale in the morning, I was really tired and couldn't get me awake.
    • Tesco was on the way at Tividale.
    • I was awake after a shot of espresso I had in the canteen during the break time.
  • I chatted with Cédric on facebook about my new girlfriend.
    • We did the seconde run pretty fast and finished our last shop at 14:50 pm.
    • Luckily we took an alternative route to get back and heard that the motorway was closed.
    • I went to the gym and worked out on my legs trying to pump up my glute as much as I could.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English