
Dayuna szövege - English

    • Apply

    • Objet : Sesmester at Hogeschool Van Amsterdan Misses, Misters, I am a second year student at ESIEA, and I am writting today to apply for a semester at Hogeschool Van Amsterdam, during the second semester of 2019.
    • The first reason of this choice is my feel for living abroad.
    • Travel is a incredible opportunity to become more open-minded, and this is a rewarding way for the self development.
    • Since my childhood, I appraciate every single trip I had the chance to do, because they all allowed me to learn a lot : travelling means independance, breaking away and heading off towards new horizons.
    • In 2013, my highschool offered a exchange with Netherland, and I got the chance to go to Netherlands for one week.Quickly, I recognised myself in the Dutch culture and I was so fond of this country that from that day, I return every two years over there.
    • Still, I can’t hide I feel frustated because of the lack of the time I had in this country, where there are so much more things to be discovered.
    • A semester at Hogeschool Van Amsteram would allow me to reconcile this wish and my career objectives.
    • Indeed, classes tought into the school match with my professional ambitions, which allow me to apprehend specialities that interessed me.
    • Indeed, I consider the cybersecurity as a choice for my professional future.
    • On the other hand, I know how to get use dot any circumstances and at what we except of me, alone or in group.
    • That’s why I’m convinced I would enjoy as much as possible this program, and that I could bring a concrete added value.
    • If you need any further information, feel free to contact me, Best regards,