
Text from Priscilla14 - English

    • Looking up for a new work experience

    • The pursuit to get a new job is a hard challenge, even if you are one of these recently gratuated without experience in your degree.
    • There are many enterprises with available opportunities just for the best candidate to them, considering aptitudes, skills and previous work experiences.
    • But, how can you measure the talent and capabilities of a person who didn't take any job before?
    • Is it fair judge the candidate as "unproactive" for the last named factor?
    • Well, is a complex discusion if an HR worker join it.
    • Considering the current Hunting Talent strategies, a lot of experts tell about previous experience in college are a plus in the resume; i.e. collaboration in student centers, political activities shaped on University, working on Conferences organizing teams, etc. Other important characteristic the companies around the world would prefer in their workmates is the knowledge of foreign languages except English (for being a requierement in present) and the mother tongue.
    • Spanish, German, Chinese and French are just some of the main languages required for many companies, with expansion initiatives or international operations which are running now.
    • Some advices are: Be proactive with learn another language Take advantage getting some working experience.
    • Even if is not directly from your academical background, you can obtain future external references about your knowledge, capabilities and personal/professional profile.
    • Maintain awake or active your network.
  • You never imagine how many opportunities can receive from classmates, former colleagues, professors, even some hot contacts from events of your interest.
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  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • The pursuit to get a new job is a hard challenge, even if you are one of these recently gratuated without experience in your degree.
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    • The pursuit to getto find a new job is a hard challenge, even if you are one of theseose peoples recently gratuated without experience in your degreethere specialities.
    • The pursuit to getFinding a new job is a hard challenge, evenspecially if you are one of theose, who recently gratduated without experience in your degree specialisation. .
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  • Sentence 2
    • There are many enterprises with available opportunities just for the best candidate to them, considering aptitudes, skills and previous work experiences.
      Vote now!
    • There are mMany enterprises with availablehave opportunities justavailable, but only for the best candidate to them,s and take into consideringation aptitudes, skills and previous work experiences.
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  • Sentence 6
    • Considering the current Hunting Talent strategies, a lot of experts tell about previous experience in college are a plus in the resume; i.e. collaboration in student centers, political activities shaped on University, working on Conferences organizing teams, etc. Other important characteristic the companies around the world would prefer in their workmates is the knowledge of foreign languages except English (for being a requierement in present) and the mother tongue.
      Vote now!
    • Considering the current Hunting Talent talent hunting strategies, a lot of experts tell abouus that previous experience in college areis a plus in the resume; i.e. collaboration in student centeres, political activities shaped onwithin the University, wortaking opart in Cconferences organizing teams, etc. ¶
      OAnother important characteristic theat companies around the world would prefer in their workmatemployees is the knowledge of foreign languages exceptother than English (for being a requierement in present) and their mother tongue.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • Spanish, German, Chinese and French are just some of the main languages required for many companies, with expansion initiatives or international operations which are running now.
      Vote now!
    • Spanish, German, Chinese and French are just some of the main languages required forthat many companies, with are looking for, because of expansion initiatives orand international operations which are now running now.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • Even if is not directly from your academical background, you can obtain future external references about your knowledge, capabilities and personal/professional profile.
      Vote now!
    • Even if it is not directly from yourconnected academical background, you can obtain future external references aboutdemonstrating your knowledge, capabilities and personal/professional profile.
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  • Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
    • You never imagine how many opportunities can receive from classmates, former colleagues, professors, even some hot contacts from events of your interest.
      Vote now!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11
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