
Text from celyn_lope - English


  • We left Malaga on 25/11/2017 at 6 in the morning we have a flight from MÁLAGA-VITORIA for 76 euros, the flight leaves at 6 in the morning and bequeaths to Vitoria at 7:15 am, from Vitoria to Burgos has a private bus for € 15 that takes you from the Airport of Vitoria to Burgos, we will arrive in Burgos around 9 a. M.
  • At the arrival of Burgos has a break of one hour for the power of breakfast, I recommend the Bar Restaurant Viva la Pepa.
  • After breakfast, we leave for Hornillos where we will see extensive and solitary plains, We will visit small towns with towns of great tradition and history, such as Tardajos and Rabé de las Calzadas.
  • From Burgos to Hornillos by bicycle it takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, with which according to plan, arrives at Hornillos at 10:15, in Hornillos has a small stop to see the SAN ANTÓN CONVENT RUNS: Construction of the century XIV.
  • Located three kilometers before reaching Castrogeriz, it receives the pilgrims through its famous arch.
  • Old general house of the Antonianos, the ruins that can see the Gothic of the XIV century.
  • The Antonians settled in this place with the purpose of attending and protecting the pilgrims.
  • In them the monks always left bread and wine.
  • Carlos III, king illustrated, eliminated the Convent of San Antón de Castrojeriz in 1791, happening through the existing monks to the Order of San Juan of Jerusalem, today Order of Malta.
  • The monastic complex was abandoned until the confiscation of Mendizabal, then the monastery passed into private hands.
  • After seeing the ruins of the convent of San Antón about 11:00 am we will continue our journey through Castrojeriz.
  • Castrojeriz, monumental village, where we can visit the old Collegiate Church of the Virgen del Manzano, Church of Santo Domingo and the Church of San Juan Bautista.
  • In Castrojeriz we will stay from 12:10 to 13:00 in order to see: COLEGIATA DE LA VIRGEN DEL MANZANO Beautiful 13th century church, enlarged in the 18th century.
  • His main altarpiece contains paintings by Mengs.
  • It houses the venerated image of the Virgen del Manzano.
  • Started in the Romanesque period, the building was completed in Gothic style.
  • In the 15th and 16th centuries some vaults were transformed and the beautiful rosette was added and in the 18th century it became multiple works: head, tower and chapel of Nuestra Señora del Manzano, whose Gothic image was sung by Alfonso X in his Cantigas.
  • CHURCH OF SANTO DOMINGO It is of Gothic style and although its vaults are from the eighteenth century, it was made with an old style.
  • Previously it had a Mudejar alfarje that covered its ceilings.
  • This was replaced by the current stone vaulting.
  • The most beautiful thing that this temple possesses is undoubtedly the cover of Spanish Gothic plateresque style of the second half of the 16th century.
  • At the moment the church lodges in its interior the "Interpretation Center of the Way of Santiago IACOBEUS", the didactic museum pertaining to the tourist project 4 Villas of Amaya.
  • CHURCH OF SAN JUAN BAUTISTA: The fortified church of San Juan Bautista was built at the end of Calle Real in the small town of Castrojeriz, in the middle of the Tierra de Campos plain of the province of Burgos.
  • This church of Gothic design, built between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries, which highlights its double system of buttresses that seems more like a castle than a temple.
  • On the outside of the building, watch out for the cover, the military character's tower with five bodies and pointed windows.
  • Romanesque at its base, it is rounded by five pinnacles.
  • In the interior they emphasize the Mudejar coffered ceiling, the cloister with wooden alfarje, the greater reredos of baroque style with the sculpture of San Juan, and the tomb of Juan de García Gallo.
  • After seeing these churches in Cartojeriz, we will continue with our route to Fromista, in which we will hardly take 1 hour (2:00 p.m.).
  • Fromista is a very attractive stage, where we find the impressive Fitero Bridge, over the river Pisuerga, the Gothic Chapel of San Nicolás, Boadilla del Camino, with its magnificent Jurisdictional Scroll, and the Canal de Castilla, before the entrance to Fromista.
  • In Fromista, the impressive Church of San Martín de Fromista, jewel of the Romanesque, by itself alone, already justifies this stage.
  • When you get to Fromista, you have a great stop to see the monuments and to have lunch.
  • Where we can have lunch at Hostería de Los Palmeros; El Chiringuito del Camino or Restaurante Asador Villa de Frómista.
  • HIGH OF MOSTELARES: Alto de Mostelares, where an infinite cereal plain is open to view.
  • It's the prelude to Tierra de Camp