
نص من - English

  • Girl's education

    • Education is the most important investment a country can make because it permit to exploit intelectual potential of girls and it's necessary for future of country.
    • Indeed it will have a bearing into the number of specialists and researchers.
    • Education is why a country is developing or not.
    • Moreover most of time it is girls who achieve better in school and hight positions in firm include more and more of women.
    • An educated girl is a girl who will have less children according to statistics, and that is usefull for countries whose population know an unchecked increase.
    • This will permit to these countries to manage their ressources in a sustainable manner.
    • Men and women should be always equal : this lack of equality comes to the fore again in 2017, because so many inequalities persist in an essential area, the education.
    • Indeed the right to education is for a long time supposed gain for all children.
  • We have to note that it's an inequality whose girls suffer in comparaison to boys, but it's too an inequality between developed countries and underdeveloped countries.
  • Because of her life place, that she does'nt choose, a girl will have the right or not to be educated, the right or not to have a job.
  • To reduce these inequalities will be a feat that could be realize perhaps with conventions ratified by totality of countries.
  • The most important convention today is the Convention on the Rights of the Child since 1989.
  • It will be interessant to imagine more sanctions to insure the education access for everyone.
  • Girls and women are doing more of chores in a day than men, despite a better sharing of chores.
  • This inequality is sadly ubiquitous and fixed deeply in society.
  • Plenty of ads, cartoons, children’s books without that we are aware, take a toll on the image of women : they are represented for instance in the kitchen, preparing the dinner.
  • In the same way a lot of household products choose women to appear in their ads.
  • Some of them receive again this kind of present the day for Chrismas.
  • The Hypersexualization is a behaviour with a sexual character.
  • Is a phenomen of society whose young teenagers adopt attitudes and sexual behaviour considered too precocious.
  • Today, we living in society where when your are women,  we have to be sexy for be great.
  • A big part of publicity and clip encourage young people enter into sexuality too soon.
  • Furthermore, we are in a world where there is “sex business”.
  • In fact, lot of business is focus on sex but for little girls.
  • They sell hight heel from 0 to 6 months and more, brassiere  from 4 years old or padded brassiere from 6 to 10 years old, string and bikini as 7 years old and t-shirt or sweater with doubtful text like “Born to be a sexy” or “If you think i’m a bitch … you should meet my mother”.
  • The business encourage an hypersexualization.
  • Some developments could be noteworthy like the changing of the famous “Barbie” doll.
  • They have tried to make her look more “normal”, but, in our opinion, it’s too late… the damage is already done!
  • Perhaps our grandchildren will have the chance to benefit from dolls with realistic body types… If women aren't educated, if they did'nt go in school and thus if they don't have a job and consequently a salary, they could be enforced to prostitute theirselves.
  • They fall in a vicious circle just to survive.
  • Prostitution is a scourge against which states have to fight by hardening of sanction for instance.
  • In France, clients are punished with a fine, and programs exist for leaving of this spiral.
  • Nevertheless, we may wonder whether it is enough : we have to treat the issue in the source, with education.

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