
Сообщение от Manonsrz - English

  • Endangered animals

    • It's vital to protect endangered animals like mountain gorilla, giant panda, tiger, asian elephant, orangutan because these species are part of our heritage and if they will disappear it will be a big loss for biodiversity.
    • Today, there is only left 3000 tigers.
  • So, we have to congratulate resolute people like Rodrigue Katembo who risk his life to save them and to fight the threat.
    • But, we may wonder wether it is enough.
    • It could be interessant to rise the number of international convention for a thorough fight against illegal hunting.
  • The principal convention today is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora since 1973.
    • This convention make effort to regulate illegal commerce wich requires international cooperation to safeguard certain species from over-exploitation.
  • The goal is that an outnumber of countries ratify international convention.
  • It's one of the largest black market in the world, because it's very lucrative.
  • Indeed, a lot of wild species are used in traditional asian medicine.
    • Raise awareness among public opinion could be a solution to protect endangered animals.
  • Indeed, it's important to encourage the support to non-governmental organization like WWF in order to give them more of financial means.
  • It permits to carry out their action (for instance, to follow herds for insure their security.) The protection hinge on states action, wich have to crack down with a hardening of laws in order to punish more illegal hunting.
    • It could be necessary too to recruit more warden to avoid corruption and poaching.
  • The most important is to insure the execution of sanction and for that, we have to detect the violation.
  • So, we could imagine an intelligence center on wildlife crime, relationships with human communities living near animal populations.
  • The protection of environment must be ubiquitous in the minds, the destruction of flora disrupt animal welfare too.
    • Per haps we could created more of nature reserve.
    • An other solution would be to encourage zoological gardens to work on the reproduction of endangered animals for then put them again in their environment.
  • For instance, zoo of Beauval in France saw the birth of a baby panda this year.
    • So, give more money to zoo could be a good solution.
  • The solution to protect animal species could be that drones flying over the forest : when a poacher would be detect, several park rangers would arrive and neutralise him.
  • Thanks to camera in drones, park ranger will have a head start and there would be less death.
  • Maybe it will be necessary to recruit more of park rangers.
  • I would like to talk about my uncle.
  • He is an hunter and last year, he went in Africa to hunt wild animals.
  • He paids a large sum of money to kill a zebra and a lion and bring their stuffed head back in France.
  • I was very shocked that it's possible to do that today.
  • It seems to me that this act should'nt be tolerated, this is an outstanding problem.
  • Moreover, illegal hunting disrupt food chain.
  • Indeed, tigers are on the top of food chain but they are endangered today.
  • It impige on population of others animals.
  • This could cause overpopulation of some species.

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