
Сообщение от Narnounne - English

  • Work

    • Mr Paul is a Christopher’s primary teacher at school.
    • (She is one of the few people whom Christopher trusts) .
    • He live sometimes with Mrs Shears , because she is his sister .
    • Saturday 24 april : At 10 pm , Mr paul was with Mrs Alexander to speak about her garden and they saw Mr Boone with Mrs Shears in kissing .
  • (The father of christopher actually fell in love with Mrs. Shears, but nobody knew this day was a surprise in the quatier!) Sunday: At 16 pm: Mrs. Alexander went to visit the Thomson home for tea, she talked to himabout the new couple of neighborhood Mr Thomson had a surprising reaction!
  • He is the former husband of Mrs Shears and start experiencing new feelings for her.
  • At midnight: Enraged, Mr. Thomson joined Mr Boon to have a talk about Mrs Shears , the dog starts barking, Mr Thomson was then begins the fight to shut and do not wake Christopher, or the dog died under his blows.
  • He was very frightened and ran away.

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