
zulema20'den mesaj - English

    • my beatiful country

    • Ecuador is a small country, but very beautiful in its culture, traditions and it has great variety gastronomy.
    • In the Amazon region there are large forests which are covered to a wide variety of plants, also there are some animals and we enjoy waterfalls and rivers too.
    • In addition, you can practice extreme sports such as rafting, canyoning, etc. there are a amazon nationalities and we learn a lot of them and their habitat.
    • In the highland region you can see the great volcanoes such as chimborazo, sangay and others.
    • Quito is the capital and it has a great architecture, it is knowing like the light of the world and another atracction is the trip on Eloy Alfaro's train which is a beautiful experience.
    • The coast region has beautiful beaches and an exquisite gastronomy, besides the Galapagos islands is one of the best places to observe the endemic species that exist uniquely there, Ecuador is one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in the world.
    • I recommend you visit our Ecuador and surely that the charisma and kindness of our people, you will fall in love and you will want to return.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English

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  • cümle 1
  • cümle 2
    • In the Amazon region there are large forests which are covered to a wide variety of plants, also there are some animals and we enjoy waterfalls and rivers too.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • In the Amazon region there are large forests which are covered towith a wide variety of plants, a. Also there are some animals and we enjoy waterfalls and rivers too.
    • In the Amazon region, there are large forests which are coveredhome to a wide variety of plants, also t. There are also some animals and we enjoy. We are lucky enough to have waterfalls and rivers too.
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 2YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 2
  • cümle 3
    • In addition, you can practice extreme sports such as rafting, canyoning, etc. there are a amazon nationalities and we learn a lot of them and their habitat.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • In addition, you can practice extreme sports such as rafting, canyoning, etc. tThere are a amazon nationalities and we learn a lot of them and their habitat.
    • In addition, you can practicse extreme sports such as rafting, canyoning, etc. tThere are a aAmazon nationalititribes and we learn a lot ofabout them and their habitat.
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 3YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 3
  • cümle 4
  • cümle 5
    • Quito is the capital and it has a great architecture, it is knowing like the light of the world and another atracction is the trip on Eloy Alfaro's train which is a beautiful experience.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Quito is the capital and it has a great architecture, it is knowing like n as 'the light of the world' and another atracction is the trip on Eloy Alfaro's train which is a beautiful experience.
    • Quito is the capital and it has a great architecture, i. It is knowing liken as the "light of the world and a". Another attracction is the trip on Eloy Alfaro's train, which is a beautiful experience.
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 5YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 5
  • cümle 6
    • The coast region has beautiful beaches and an exquisite gastronomy, besides the Galapagos islands is one of the best places to observe the endemic species that exist uniquely there, Ecuador is one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in the world.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • The coast region has beautiful beaches and an exquisite gastronomy, besides, the Galapagos islands isare one of the best places to observe the endemic species that exist uniquely there,. Ecuador is one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in the world.
    • The coast region has beautiful beaches and an exquisite gastronomy, besides t. The Galapagos iIslands is onare some of the best places to observe the endemic species that exist uniquelycan only be found there,. Ecuador is one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in the world.
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 6YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 6
  • cümle 7
    • I recommend you visit our Ecuador and surely that the charisma and kindness of our people, you will fall in love and you will want to return.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • I recommend you to visit our Ecuador and surely thatbecause of the charisma and kindness of our people, you will fall in love and you will want to return.
    • I recommend you visit our Ecuador and surely thatbeloved Ecuador. Thanks to the charisma and kindness of our people, you will surely fall in love and you will want to return.
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 7YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 7