
Tekst fra - English

  • Do you think celebrities earn much more money than they deserve

  • In my opinion many people earn more money than they deserve.
  • Sometimes people do something useless or harmful and they earn a lot of money.
    • On the other side I see often people hard-working earning peanuts.
    • However many years ago I got use to that life isn't always fair.
    • I started think more kind of "I can't change it and I have to accept that".
    • It turned out that this approach works.
    • I stopped thinking like victim and not be jelaous.
  • Maybe it isn't healthy that many idlers can be celebrities and have a good time because of social media.
    • However if people need them is ok.
  • It isn't racket science to understand that a television dumbs down and searching facebook doesn't help you to be rich.
  • On the other side silly celebrities are for silly spectators.
  • If spectators let them be on media I'm ok with that.
  • My problems and needs are not associated with good condition people from the top.
  • In these days we have great selection of deciding what we want to do.
  • The Internet lets us choose the best option for us.
  • I omit websites with celebrities but I don't have the slightest bad thoughts against them.
  • I concentrate on my life and it's beneficial

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