
Text from DebbyK - English

  • The trip of The Northeast Coast in Taiwan.

  • It’s enjoyable hanging out on Monday because there is no lots of tourists and noises in most of famous spots during weekdays.
  • I took a trip alone to The Northeast Coast yesterday.
  • It only took me about 50 minutes by train for escaping from the stressful city life.
  • Different from Taipei, Keelung is more easy-going and it represent the rustic local flavor.
    • I fell in love with this little fishing village and its curved alleies.
  • Getting on the bus in Keelung city, I felt like I walked into a tranditional market.
  • The bus was full of elders and I was the youngest one!
  • The elders grabbed the bus strap tightly with their winkle hand, talked loudly and complained about why the bell in the bus doesn’t work to the driver.
    • People here is hospitality, an old woman gave me a direction to transfer to Badouzi (八斗子) after I was waiting at the bus stop for a half of hour.
  • However, I took a taxi to the destination because it’s more convenient and time-saving.
    • The coastline and the sea looks familiar, I recongnized that I have been this place last summer vocation with my friends’ family.
    • Due to the strong wind and the waves are battering at the shore years by years, the rocks in the northeast coast of Taiwan are unique and bizarre.
  • I admired these rugged-style artworks which are made by the natural magic.
    • I could smell the salty of the sea, I felt my hair got sticky and tangled soon when I sat on the shore.
    • It’s so pity that I didn’t swim this time because sea looks deep and dangerous.
  • I prefer the sea at southern Taiwan.
    • I need to bathed in the ocean for relax at least every 3 months.
  • I hope I can go to Kenting again or one of the islands near Taiwan before the end of this year.