טקסט של - English

  • importance of goals

    • Two days ago I've seen the video on youtube.
    • There was a speech by Jim Rohn, video recorded maybe ten or less years ago, but it stills deserving attention.
  • My favourite part is about setting the goals.
    • Mr. Rohn spoke the simple language: "If purpose is clear, price is easy to pay".
    • These words came into my mind, and I repeat it intenionaly.
    • I very like this idea.
    • You need to have the purpose, as it does your life meaningful.
    • And also the clarity of the aims is a key thing to achieve much more of them.
    • After viewing that video, I'm going to know more about Mr. Rohn and his ideas, of couse to read the books he authored as well.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English