טקסט של - English

  • Can you help me, please? food(2)

    • Now it is easier because i don't have anybody telling me what I should to eat.
    • But I have to tell that I'm not used to eat a lot of foods yet.
    • And although I try to taste new flavours the most of times I'm not successful.
    • Like I said, my food is not very healthy, but thankfully, i don't have problems with my weight.
    • In the future, I would like to get used to eat healthier, but I know it will be a hard task.
    • Besides I hope to be able to eat more vegetables and more fish in the next years,because I know it is important.
    • Now I have two nieces and I always remind them that it is very important to get used to eat well and healthy.
    • I wouldn't like a problem like mine for them.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English