
Text från luca_cappe - English

  • Answer to a letter of a friend who’s going to study abroad.

    • Hello Craig, It’s been quite a few month since I heard anything from you!
  • Where have you been?
    • Last thing I knew was that you were terribly convinced of going to Italy to study for your third year of your bachelor degree.
  • And now, after all the organisation you must have put in doing this thing, you tell me you’re not that sure anymore?
  • Well, of course, following lessons in Italian may not be the easiest thing for someone who picked up the language a handful of months ago, but hey, I’m sure you’ll absorb the language by immersion and without any doubt the professors will be able to explain to you the concept you miss in class.
    • I’m certain they are pressured from above to do so, Universities really want to leave a good impression on foreign students!
    • I can relate to your fear of failing to find a nice apartment with good roommates, but hey, going out of your confort zone will only help you grow as a person.
  • What’s the worst thing that could happen?
  • You stumble upon an organ trafficker.
  • A good chance to set a little cash for yourself, who needs two kidneys after all!
    • Jokes aside, I believe it’s quite a normal reaction to feel a bit paralysed when you are actually confronted with the result of the choices of a past you.
  • You might feel obligated, deprived of the freedom to choose again to go or not.
    • This can be terrifying to some, at some unconscious level, and it manifests itself into this paralysing anxiety that you are feeling.
  • If you don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by it, I’m sure you’ll sublimate those feelings into a considerable personal growth and catharsis.
  • Hoping to hear from you sooner than December 2020, Tweak