
Testo da YULiya1986-07-16 - English

    • excerpt from a book

  • Learning to quickly relax, in between things, in time to do much more!
    • When we have a clear plan of action before our eyes, we can feel insecurity and irritation from the scope of the work ahead.
    • That this does not happen, you need to learn how to quickly relax.
  • Before moving from one task to another, you need to use short rest breaks.
    • And that they really relaxed you and filled with energy, there are several techniques that I will describe below. The first way.
  • Change the position of the body, if you for example worked at a computer.
  • Prilyagte or rise from the chair.
    • Then breathe through your nose, close your eyes and imagine (everyone can imagine his picture) that you are standing in the middle of a huge field.
  • You are surrounded by a beautiful landscape of green meadows, bright sun and fresh air.
    • Now feel the rays of the sun touching your body and filling it with energies.
  • Your body is a vessel that is filled with the energy of the sun.
  • Enjoy this state for about 10 minutes.
  • Now open your eyes and feel how your tension has subsided, you are charged like a battery and ready to work on.
  • Evaluate the benefits of visualization, even when relaxing.