
Text from riichard_c - English

  • She sing awesome ¡

    • I just wached a Youtube's video about a girl that sings very well , in the video asked to her that if her friends support her singing and she answered that mostly of her friends didn't know that she sings after that they asked that if she could win and she said that believed in the miracles, so when she started to sing everyone stood up of their seat to applaud her . she won the competition.


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    • I just wached a Youtube's video about a girl that sings very well , in the video asked to her that if her friends support her singing and she answered that mostly of her friends didn't know that she sings after that they asked that if she could win and she said that believed in the miracles, so when she started to sing everyone stood up of their seat to applaud her . she won the competition.
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    • I just wached a YoutTube's video about a girl that sings very well , in the video I asked to her that if her friends support her singing and she answered that mostly all of her friends didn't know that she sings after that they asked that if she could win and she said that believed in the miracles, so when she started to sing everyone stood up ofrom their seat to applaud her . she won the competition.
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