
Text von skittlse - English

  • Retelling of the text about porcupine

    • This text was about the Porcupine and how in North America animals asked the god to make cold winters.
  • A long time ago, near the river there were many people.
  • They were good hunters, so all wild animals were in great distress on account of the hunters.
  • Therefore the animals held a meeting.
    • Grizzly bear invited all the large animals and advise them to ask him, who made animals to give them more cold winters, so that no hunter may come.
    • All of big animals agreed.
    • But the wolf asked that they should asked small animals and insects, what is about their opinion.
  • They invited insects and small animals.
    • Grizzly bear told to small animals about his minds and asked them : «Let us ask him who made us to give to our earth cold winters colder than ever, so that the people who hunt us can not come to our dens.
  • We want to know what you have to say in this matter.
    • But the small animals kept quit Only Porcupine asked about his opinion.
  • He asked that it is good for big animals because they have warm skin but little animals have no fur to warm themselves in winter and how can they obtain provisions if they ask for severe cold in winter.
    • But Grizzly bear answered that they dont care for what Porcupine has said because most of the animals Agreed.
    • But Porcupine arose again and said that if it is so cold - the roots of all wild berries will be withered and frozen and nobody will be able to get food.
  • Then the porcupine asked about it - he bit his thumb.
  • All the animals were impressed and agreed with him.
  • Therefore the hand of the porcupine has only four fingers, no thumb.
    • Grizzly bear asked to the porcupine - it is true what you have said.
  • And porcupine became the first among all the small animals.
  • They decided that the winter should be 6 months and 6 months for summer.
  • In winter they will have ice and snowman spring showers of rain, and plants shall be green .
  • In summer they shall have warmer weather , in the fall the leaves shall fall and rivers shall overflow their banks.
  • Then all the animals shall go into their dens for 6 months.
  • And all the animals agreed to what porcupine had proposed.
    • Thus is happens that all the wild animals take to their dens in winter.
    • Only porcupine does not hide in winter - but goes about visiting his neighbors.
    • Once upon a time the large animals refused the advice that porcupine gave and he was full of range, went to those animals that had slighted him and struck them with quills of his tail.Therefore all animals are afraid of porcupine to this day.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English