
Сообщение от misangocle08022004 - English

  • Please help me to correct it. Thank you very much.

  • What is confidence?
    • Confidence means we believe ourselves, add in the optimism will come when you are certain of your abilities.
    • It gives us more electric to be brave.
    • Sometimes, when we do something, we’ll see the fallure everywhere, so we’ll fell afraid.
    • Many people tell us: “Be more confidence.” But we think it isn’t easy.
  • Because, we have 3 reasons.
    • First, because of your gen. Your gen, may be same as your father’s gen or your mother’s gen. It’s in your brain.
    • Second, because how are you treated.
    • If your friends hate you, no one wants to play with you, you’ll sad and then, you won’t become a confidence person.
  • Third, because of your choices.
    • If you choice something, you must think careful about it’s result.
    • You must to know, to understand about that result and agree with it.
  • So we have 3 tips to boost our confidence.
  • First, try a quick fix.
  • It’s very important for your choices.
    • If you choice wrong, you must have some works to fix it.
  • Second, believe in your ability to improve.
  • Third, take some tips from everybody.
  • May be they’ll have experience in that work, they can give us some tips to do that work better.
    • The confidence is very important for us, so let’s try to be more confidence.

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