
Text von 55elena_jv - English

  • Mayak

    • Your nickname and this postcard gave me idea what to write you.
  • I would like to talk about the radio.
  • Who is considered the inventor of the radio in your country?
  • It turns out that people in different countries thinking differently.
    • For example, on the territory of the former Soviet Union that's A.Popov.
  • Now about the main thing, why on the postcard a lighthouse.
  • It's simply, the most recognizable radio station in Russia is named "Mayak" (in translate lighthouse).
  • This radio exists since 1964.
    • And their musical screensaver known a lot of people.
  • It's the sound of my childhood, only imagine it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_DInNqh-Tg every hour!
    • But now, at homes sound of the radio is seldom, people prefer listened music and watched TV...

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