
Сообщение от misangocle08022004 - English

  • Please help me to correct it. Thank you very much.

    • What would happened if you didn’t drink water?
    • Water is everywhere in the world.
  • We must drink water to live.
    • In the water, there is much vitamins and many kinds of health tight.
    • The kinds of tight in vegetables, the kinds of tight in healthy food,… All of them are in the water.
    • The doctors said, if we don’t drink water, we will die.
  • Because our bodies need water to do everything.
    • They said a normal human must drink 1.5 litres water per day.
    • When we do everything, our bodies make a kind of water.
    • It brings all bad things in our body to the environment.
    • So we always must drink full water to work.

Пожалуйста, помогите исправить все предложения. - English