
Text von zkoko - English

  • Ideas to become happier

    • Hi I want to share some idea that perhaps will help to make you happier.
    • I'm not coach or something like that, I just write this to improve my writing skills.
    • The first will be to avoid spend a lot of time with unhappy people, whom complain all the time, because they will infect you with their ideas.
  • And as it's well known: consciousness is contagious.
    • I don't ask you to avoid them, instead of that, try to help them, this will make you happier, than run away from them.
    • The second idea is monitor the ideas grinding in your head, and to avoid all sources that can feed you will bad emotions.
  • Try to avoid sad news about which you can't do anything.
    • Also, try to feed you brain with positive source of information and news.
    • The third idea is do sport, any physical activity may help you to feel better.
    • The last idea is to try to eat more natural food.

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