
Text from Diane141 - English

    • english writing for class

    • Maude calls her best friend Harriet to tell her what has happened the day before, regarding her mother.
    • "Harriet, you won't guess never what my mother tells me yesterday.
  • She's a suffragette!
  • A real suffragette!
    • She marchs in streets with other women of WSPU" Maude says "It's incredible! your mother is a rebellious woman!
  • She's very brave.
  • But it's dangerous!
    • She would be arrested and beated up." Harriet worrys "She has beenarrested by the policemen and they struggled her.
    • Now, she'll go to Holloway, maybe during three months.
    • But for her, it doesn't matter.
    • She wants to assert her rights." Maude replys "As she likes, but she'd better to stop her demontrations before to have kill." "I'm convinced that policemen won't go until that because..." "You must be joking!", Harriet intervenes, "it's forbidden to demontrate, what is more, they're males chauvenist and narrow-minded, so they won't go with gentleness.
    • Believe me." "I have confidence in what doing my mother and I support her in her challenge for the right to vote of women." "If I was in your shoes, I would dissuade Kitty from doing that." "I've had enough of your reproaches!
    • To my mind, Kitty knows what she doing." Maude loses her temper "I won't get you." "Thank you!"