
Tekst fra - English

  • Lions

    • In an unexplored area of Tanzania there was a decrease of the lions.
    • Nobody managed to find an  explanation to this phenomenon.
    • So that the government of Tanzania decided to send out three  naturalists to investigate, and I was assigned to lead the expedition.
  • We walked for hours in the forest.
  • At a certain point I saw a lion who was looking at me.
    • I felt a  shiver down my spine, and I couldn't even move a finger.
    • When he disappeared in to the bush I past out.
    • When I regained consciousness, I found myself into a wooden cage.
  • I was caught by a local tribe.
    • It  was started a fire not far from me.
    • Someone was dancing around the fire and shouted aloud with a weapon  in his hands.
  • Others were eating meat.
  • The tribe was known as being one of the most ferocious, and it was said that when someone met them it  would be for the first and the last time because they enjoyed human flesh/meat.
  • There was no sign of my friends and I was terrified.
    • I found myself in this cannibal tribe, I don't  have weapons with me and there were wild animals in the forest.
    • Anyway I didn't overreact and I  noticed there were a lot of lion carcasses with the right paw cut off.
    • I immediately realised that  the decrease of the lion number was linked with tribal customs somehow.
    • I knew that in many tribes, killing lions was considered very courageous, and that could help to gain the respect of anyone else.

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