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  • Morning Habits

    • Here are 5 morning habits that I am personally going to follow and make them a rule: 1.
    • Make your bed Sounds too easy but for me this is a one I'd like to skip.
    • Actually is not only about making your bedroom neat but about correlation with productivity.
  • When you make your bed, you have accomplished your first task of the day and this encourages you to do another one.
    • Yes, mom was right. 2.
    • Take Hot&Cold Shower If you have tried this therapy at least once, you know this invigorating fresh feeling.
    • This shower has a lot of benefits like improving circulation, strengthing immunity and so on 3.
    • Exercise I am not talking here about hard workout (but this is also the option) but about any physical activity you prefer: stretching, holding a plank or rising on toes while brushing teeth - just find 5-10 minutes to invest in your health and fit 4.
    • Stay away from your phone in first 30 minutes after waking up Do you really need this Instagram feed to start your perfect day?
    • Instead of this find few minutes for quick meditation or affirmations and you'll find your mind clean and focused 5.
    • Drink water and have healthy breakfast Drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning is an excellent way to get your body going (come on, .
  • And about breakfast - yes, you've heard this thousand of times but just do it and you'll have more energy for the whole day

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