
Tekst fra - English

    • why I want learn english ?

  • Hello guys :) .
    • My name is laila from morocco , Am 17 years old my dream is learn english because it's a uneversial language first and also most of people speak it. second it makes a lot of problem in My life because when i watch video in youtube i dont understand any thing and when i want get some information about science I find a lot of difecult words I 'm just want to be a good in english and i have many thing to say but my vocabulair in bad thank you for raeding dear .

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English

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    • My name is laila from morocco , Am 17 years old my dream is learn english because it's a uneversial language first and also most of people speak it. second it makes a lot of problem in My life because when i watch video in youtube i dont understand any thing and when i want get some information about science I find a lot of difecult words I 'm just want to be a good in english and i have many thing to say but my vocabulair in bad thank you for raeding dear .
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    • My name is lLaila and I'm from mMorocco , A. I am 17 years old m. My dream is to learn eEnglish; firstly because it's a uneiversial language first and also most ofand many people speak it. sSecond it makly because not knowing the language causes a lot of problems in Mmy life, because when iever I watch videos in yYoutube i, I don't understand any thing and also when iI want to get some information about science, I find a lot of difeficult words. I 'm just want to be a good in eEnglish and i. I have many things to say but my vocabulairy in bad t. Thank you for raeading, dear .
    • My name is lLaila, I'm from mMorocco , Aand I'm 17 years old m. My dream is to learn eEnglish; firstly because it's a uneiversial language first and also most of, and many people speak it. sSecond it make, unknowing the language brings a lot of problems in Mmy life, because when iI watch video is on yYoutTube i, I don't understand any thing and. Also, when iI want to get some information about science, I find a lot of difeficult words. I 'm just want to be a good in english , and iI have many things to say, but my vocabulairy ins bad t. Thank you for raeading, dear .
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