
текст з - English

  • A project description (native speakers please)

    • ORIGO is the 1st edition of The Panorama Project, an initiative that essentially consists in the depiction of ideas from different places and times on the same subject; in this case the origin of life, present within religious cosmogonies for millennia and also a scientific quest today; a theme that ORIGO portrays through three artwork galleries and a lookout.

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  • Назва
  • Речення 1
    • ORIGO is the 1st edition of The Panorama Project, an initiative that essentially consists in the depiction of ideas from different places and times on the same subject; in this case the origin of life, present within religious cosmogonies for millennia and also a scientific quest today; a theme that ORIGO portrays through three artwork galleries and a lookout.
    • ORIGO is the 1st edition of The Panorama Project, an initiative that essentially consists inof the depiction of ideas from different places and times on the same subject; in this case the origin of life, present within religious cosmogonies for the millenniaum and also a scientific quest today; a theme that ORIGO portrays through three artwork galleries and a lookout.
    • ORIGO is the 1st edition of The Panorama Project, an initiative that essentially consists inof the depiction of ideas from different places and times on the same subject; in this case the origin of life, which has been present within religious cosmogonies for millennia and is also a scientific quest today; a theme that ORIGO portrays through three artwork galleries and a lookout.