
текст з - English

  • Food

    • I can not say that I am a good cook, but I can cooking.
  • I prepare often dinner for my family.
    • I like Russian kitchen and my favorite food is “pelmeni”.
    • It´s a meat dish which is very tasty.
    • I like Italian kitchen too.
    • But I´m not a gourmet and I eat all kind of food.
    • My favorite drink is tee.
    • I prefer home-cooked food and I go to restaurants and cafés seldom.
    • I think, a healthy eating is very important and I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
  • But I´m against vegetarianism.
    • I think, It´s a poor nutrition.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English