
lewauke'den mesaj - English

  • Bleeh fruits? I don't think so!

    • Do you remember being child and reacts angry to health food?
    • Every of us still think that healthy can't equal to tasty.
    • We prefer processed foods but has it really better taste?
  • I don't think so.
    • In fact it's tasty as fast foods or sweets, and, to be honest, even better!
  • And I will show you!
    • You won't be dissapointed and have a new lease of life.
    • Scientists claim that quality of digest and whole eating depends on how it looks.
  • No one can deny that fruits and vegetables are the most important food.
    • Where as they are very colorful and in pretty shapes.
    • You can make a lot of variations with them. Do you?
    • Furthermore, everyone love sweets.
  • Fruits are very sweet.
    • But not only them.
  • For an example, honey.
    • According to it, it is truly "liquid gold".
    • It is cure for almost ilnessnes.
    • Moreover, we can reduce harmful sugar by replacing it.
    • We can use a lot of, even more sweetier(!) products.
    • One of examples is stevia, it is 300 times sweetier than white sugar.
    • Let's move on to the question: how teach young people to eating healthy?
    • At first, we must give them effort to it.
    • They can't eat healthy if in shops are mostly processed foods and even there are some healthy it is expensive.
    • Not every can afford to that.
    • Moreover, teens want to have body like their idols.
  • So, maybe celebrities are not as bad?
    • Of course if them looks healthy, not emaciated.
    • We must creating positive looking authorities.
    • Then young people doing exercises to have their bodies, and diet is unseparable part of it.
    • And most important, WE must be good examples for our kids.
    • Now you believe me?
  • So go to your kitchen and prepare yummy and healthy meal. Just do it!
    • It is your chance for looking the picture of health.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English