
Texto de paloma_des - English

  • How to be confident

    • This is a summary of "How to be confident" from the video "School of Life" with my own words.
    • Its message were really interesting.
  • So, I relate it to you right now.
    • This is what it saids : Actually, confidence can't be get the way we usually think it would.
    • Indeed, we naturally use to boost confidence of someone else by remind him all his qualities like his intelligence, his success at work or in life while we should do the contrary.
  • Rather than relying on our qualities we should rely on our defaults. Why ?
    • Because when we always think about our high picture of ourself, we are so scared to lost it that we will avoid all situations that can endanger it.
    • So, in the street, we will not ask someone help to avoid to looks like an idiot, or in the every day life, we will avoid to say our mind because the fear of rejection.
    • So we will only do things that we use to be successful in.
  • So, what's the solution ?
    • To Erasmus's mind, who is a great scholar from the 16th century, everybody is a fool whatever his status or education, and whatever one can do, he will always be fit for the society and can be liked as anyone.
    • For Pieter Bruegel, shows on the painting "The Dutch Proverbs" that every human being is naturally deranged and that is the proper of the human.
    • So, to conclude, rather than wanting to change our nature, it is more pleasant for us to accept our weakness and the fact that it will never change.
    • By accepting our weakness, we will be able to confront all situations and his consequences.
  • Indeed, even if we feel like an idiot, we will not be disturbed by this feeling if we have accepted it.
    • Plus, we will dare more to confront situations and by the way, by taking risks we will give us the opportunity to live uplifting experiences that we would have never expected.

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